Apache Camel
Building a contact form API with Apache Camel and Quarkus
What happens when you don't want to pay for, or use, a SaaS app? Well, you write your own, of course.
Transformation in Camel: How to do it
Want your data, your way? Learn all about the different ways that you can transform data in Apache Camel.
When should you use Apache Camel?
See the use cases for Apache Camel, and when you might think about using this Java integration framework.
Understanding routes and how to use them in Apache Camel
Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift Tutorial [video]
Getting started with Fuse? Follow this short video, where I create a Fuse app and deploy it onto OpenShift.
Event-driven integration on Kubernetes with Camel & KEDA
Can we develop apps in Kubernetes that autoscale based on events? Perhaps, with this example using KEDA, ActiveMQ and Apache Camel
Using ActiveMQ with Apache Camel - with example
How to send and receive messages from an ActiveMQ Artemis message broker using Camel's JMS component and Spring Boot
XA transactions in Camel: a checklist
What do you need to set up distributed transactions in Apache Camel correctly?
Calling a REST service from Apache Camel
How to call a REST API from Apache Camel, using Camel's HTTP component
Monitoring Camel routes with REST
How to fetch metrics from your Camel routes over HTTP
Can you have multiple Camel Contexts in one app?
An alternative to running multiple Camel Contexts in Spring Boot
Adventures in debugging: Camel mock endpoints are real
I discovered that mock endpoints are actually real
Consuming a SOAP service with Apache Camel
How to use consume a SOAP service using the Apache CXF component in Camel
Use the @MockEndpoints annotation in Camel [Video]
Create mock endpoints in your Camel routes automatically without having to change your route definition
Creating a REST service using the REST DSL [Video]
Using the REST DSL and Restlet to create a REST service in Apache Camel
Bean validation in Apache Camel
How to use Camel's Bean Validation component to easily perform simple data validation
Shutting down Camel after X messages
How to shut down Camel after a certain amount of time or messages, using the new auto-shutdown feature in Camel 2.19+ with Spring Boot
Using languages with Dozer in Camel
How to use Simple, Groovy and other expressions in a Dozer mapping
The Guide to Testing in Apache Camel
Bring your Camel in for a check-up. Learn how to test your Camel routes, standalone or in Spring Boot.
How to use Camel with Spring Java configuration
How to configure Camel using Spring with Java configuration, including detailed examples
Creating a REST service with Apache Camel
Let's create a REST service using Camel's REST DSL! See an example of implementing a REST API with Apache Camel and Spring Boot.
Running Apache Camel standalone
How to run Apache Camel in a standalone Java app
Spring Boot properties and Camel routes - an example
How to use Spring Boot properties inside your Apache Camel routes
Deploying a Spring Camel route in Apache ServiceMix [Video]
Using Apache ServiceMix's hot deployment feature to deploy Spring based Apache Camel routes
Returning a value from a Bean in Camel
How to get a simple return value from a Bean in Apache Camel
How to use Maven with Apache Camel
Creating, compiling and running Apache Camel apps with Maven and the Camel Maven Plugin
Camel's choice() and when() - with examples
Learn how to conditionally route messages in Apache Camel using the Content Based Router, choice() and when(), and predicates.
Guide to Camel's SEDA, Direct and VM components
The SEDA, Direct, Direct-VM and VM components in Apache Camel, what they do, and when you might use them. With code examples.
Creating a simple web service in Apache Camel using Jetty
How to use the Jetty component to stand up a simple HTTP endpoint in Camel
Using Apache Camel Bean annotations in a Talend Route: An Example
How to dynamically determine a list of endpoints for a message at runtime.
Apache Camel tutorial for beginners
Dust off your desert gear, we're going for a Camel ride. Learn the basics of Apache Camel (without having to cross the Sahara)